by Anthony Salerno | Aug 28, 2021 | Articles
This is one of the most insane things you will hear in a sea of derangement resulting from woke ideology.In January 2021, in oh so hip and so woke, woke California, laws were passed allowing any inmate who claimed to be trans, to choose whether they go to a male or...
by Anthony Salerno | Aug 25, 2021 | Articles
You are what your deep, driving Desire is. As your Desire is, so is your Will. As your Will is, so is your Deed. As your Deed is, so is your Destiny Brihadaranyaka Upanishad It is desire that drives life.And our desires drive us.If desires arising from our lower...
by Anthony Salerno | Aug 19, 2021 | Articles
Yoga teaches us that we should aim to stop judging and instead start using discernment. Judgment involves seeing things from only one side. It causes us to label things as either good or bad, positive or negative. Judgment is biased, emotional and caused by avidya...
by Anthony Salerno | Aug 17, 2021 | Articles
Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the proponents of anti-racism say that despite the anti-discrimination laws that all people in our western democratic countries have enjoyed the protection of for decades, the system is racist. How can our system be racist today...
by Anthony Salerno | Aug 12, 2021 | Articles
“Those of us who have been so fortunate to have been born in a free society, tend to take freedom for granted, to regard it as the natural state of mankind. It is not! It is a rare a precious thing”. ...